Study of Childhood Obesity Finds “Patients Are Not Doomed by their Genes”

The readers should take away that lifestyle factors are most important regarding successful weight-loss strategies. Interview with:
Melanie Heitkamp, PhD
Department of Prevention and Sports Medicine
Centre for Sports Cardiology, University Hospital
Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany  What is the background for this study?

Response: There are genetic loci influencing obesity risk in children, which have been identified by large genome-wide association studies. However, the current knowledge about associations between these obesity related genes and obesity treatment success is scarce and the results of previous studies are inconsistent. However, it is an important question as there is a wide inter-individual response to obesity treatment. 

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CHOICES: Childhood Obesity Intervention Cost-Effectiveness Study

The Childhood Obesity Intervention Cost-Effectiveness Study (CHOICES),a collaboration between the Harvard School of Public Health, Columbia University and research partners at Deakin and Queensland University in Australia,  is working to help reverse the US obesity epidemic by identifying the most cost-effective childhood obesity interventions.

CHOICES: Childhood Obesity Intervention Cost-Effectiveness Study