ECO24: Ideal Weight For Patients with Diabetes May Vary with Age

For older individuals who are moderately overweight , maintaining rather than reducing weight may be a more practical goal. Interview with:
Dr Shaoyong Xu
Xiangyang Central Hospital
Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Arts and Science
Xiangyang, China  What is the background for this study? 

Response: In previous studies, the obesity paradox has been observed, where overweight and obese individuals with cardiovascular disease have better outcomes compared to their slim counterparts with the same disease. The global prevalence of diabetes is steadily increasing year by year.

In this era of population growth and aging, the question arises as to whether obesity or overweight can be beneficial in improving survival rates for older individuals with diabetes. This topic holds significant relevance due to the potential implications it has on weight management strategies for older adults. If overweight does not pose an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality, it may suggest that older individuals are not necessarily required to strive for weight loss in order to achieve so-called normal values. Moreover, inappropriate weight loss and being underweight could potentially elevate the risk of cardiovascular events, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and all-cause mortality.

Last Updated on April 1, 2024 by weightcontrol