Are Commercially-Available Wearables Effective for Weight Control? Interview with:
DJ McDonough, M.S.
Doctoral Dissertation Fellow
Ph.D. Candidate/Research Assistant
Physical Activity Epidemiology Laboratory
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

DJ McDonough  What is the background for this study?

Response: This study used network meta-analysis to perform a pooled analysis on 31 randomized controlled trials examining what are the most effective intervention strategies for using commercially-available wearable fitness trackers (e.g., Fitbit, Apple Watch) or research-grade fitness trackers (e.g., pedometers, accelerometers) to promote weight loss and/or BMI reduction in those with overweight/obesity, including those with weight-associated chronic illnesses.

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Physical Exercise At Various Tempos Useful For Improving Physical Fitness

Study demonstrates that physical exercise at various tempos is useful for improving physical fitness, developing motor skills, and thus probably preventing obesity complications.

Benefits of a regular vs irregular rhythm-based training programme on physical fitness and motor skills in obese girls.

Racil G1, Elmontassar W2,3, Rommene I2, Tourny C4, Chaouachi A2, Coquart JB4.

Obese Older Adults Can Benefit From Diet and Exercise

A New England Journal of Medicine study of adults 65 or older found that weight loss plus combined aerobic and resistance training provided greater improvement in physical function and reduction of frailty than either intervention alone.

Note: Content is Not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care provider regarding your specific medical condition and questions.