Sugar Restriction in Overweight Kids Associated With Rebound Snacking

A recent study found that “overweight adolescents restricted from sugar intake consume greater amounts of sugar when they are later given access to high-sugar foods”.

J Acad Nutr Diet. 2017 May 18. pii: S2212-2672(17)30335-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2017.03.025. [Epub ahead of print]

Sugar Restriction Leads to Increased Ad Libitum Sugar Intake by Overweight Adolescents in an Experimental Test Meal Setting.

Obese Older Adults Can Benefit From Diet and Exercise

A New England Journal of Medicine study of adults 65 or older found that weight loss plus combined aerobic and resistance training provided greater improvement in physical function and reduction of frailty than either intervention alone.

Note: Content is Not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care provider regarding your specific medical condition and questions.

DASH Diet Linked To Lower Risk of Gout

A British Medical Journal study concluded “the DASH diet may provide an attractive preventive dietary approach for men at risk of gout”.


Is Constant Grazing Wrecking Your Diet?

Some authors suggest compressing our meals into an 8 hour period can help control weight and improve our overall metabolic health.