Gender Differences in Weight Loss with Medical Treatments

females lost more weight than males with similar exposures to liraglutide, suggesting that body size may not be the only factor. Interview with:
A/Prof Samantha L Hocking | Associate Professor Diabetes NSW & ACT
Sydney School of Medicine (Central Clinical School)
Charles Perkins Centre
Faculty of Medicine and Health
President National Association of Clinical Obesity Services  What is the background for this study? 

Response: Numerous studies have shown that the mean response to a weight loss intervention hides significant individual variation. There are biological and physiological differences between males and females so gender is a potential predictor of weight loss outcomes. 

PostPartum Instagram Pics Most Often Idealized Athletic Images

Women with lower body fat, and in fitness attire, are more likely to post images of themselves on Instagram than women of higher adiposity. Interview with:
Dr Megan Gow 
NHMRC Early Career Fellow
Research Dietitian and Senior Lecturer
The University of Sydney Children’s Hospital Westmead Clinical School
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Women’s and Children’s Health, UNSW
Honorary Research Associate, Women’s and Children’s Health,
St George Hospital  What is the background for this study? 

Response: Research has already established that Instagram use is associated with negative impacts on mood and body satisfaction in young women. However, Instagram is highly accessed by women of reproductive age. We assessed 600 images tagged with #postpartumbody systematically captured from Instagram and coded them using a predefined framework.